A Reminder to Listen:


An Experience of Service During the Thanksgiving Service Trip


By Maria Barba

Sunday, December 14, 2014
Fall 2014

During the extent of my trip, I met and listened to many different testimonies, all from people infected by HIV. There was one encounter that was particularly poignant. I met a kindhearted, soft-spoken man named David, whom I got to speak to for about two hours. We were going on a “Fresh Rescue” to several different Albertson stores located throughout the Las Vegas area to pick up food donations. Initially, I could sense his nerves and hesitancy to open up and share his story. Our conversation began slow, talking briefly about what I planned to study, about my other commitments at school, and about my hometown. The conversation was obviously shifted in my direction. Yet it was after our first Albertson’s stop, upon returning to the truck, where he slowly began to communicate to me how he has been HIV positive for over a year.  It continued like this.  After each stop, he would initiate the ride with an astoundingly difficult experience he has had to go through in his life. All the challenging aspects in his life had occurred within this last year and still resonate in his mind and heart. Despite all his hardships, his resilience never ceases.  His story, along with every other story I was blessed to hear, is different. David gave me his story. Each person has something to give.

     The St. Therese Center invigorates us to see that each one of us has the capacity to create an impact. We can make a change. I believe you only need to affect one person, and immediately, the equilibrium of life shifts. The effects do not need to be visible to the eye; they only need to be felt in the heart.

     There is an abundant cry for help surrounding us, and God is incessantly inviting us to take the initiative and reach out to those in need. I didn’t expect this 3-day trip to stimulate and awaken a part of me. From all the individuals I met, a genuine gratitude and blissful happiness radiated. These people are a reminder. A reminder to give back. A reminder to be appreciative. A reminder to recognize God’s gifts. A reminder to listen.

Maria Barba is a sophomore and serves on both our Fellowship and Social Justice Leadership teams.  She is also a member of ESTEEM.

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